Thursday, January 7, 2016

Week of January 3, 2016: Moses Was Born and Called

Session Title: Moses Was Born and Called
Bible Passage: Exodus 1:8–2:10,23­25; 3:1–4:20
Big Picture Question: Why did God save Moses? God saved Moses to rescue His people from captivity.
Key Passage: Exodus 6:7
Unit Christ Connection: God saved His people from physical captivity in Egypt as He would one day send Jesus to save His people from spiritual captivity.

Moses’ story is a clear picture of God’s sovereignty. Not only was Moses’ life spared by the Egyptian princess, but also his mother nursed him and he grew up in the house of Pharaoh. God also planned for Moses to spend years shepherding in Midian before He called him to his task.

Imagine the encounter between God and Moses at the burning bush. God drew a curious Moses to Himself, and then He spoke to him: “Moses, Moses!”

Perhaps God’s greatest revelation to Moses was His name: “I AM WHO I AM.” The most basic and
important fact about God is that He exists—He always has and always will exist. He does not change. God revealed to Moses who He is so that Moses would trust in Him.

The calling of Moses points to a greater calling and rescue—the call of Jesus to come to earth to save God’s people from their sin. When kids better understand who God is, they can trust in

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