Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Week of December 27. 2015; Wise Men Visited Jesus

Session Title: Wise Men Visited Jesus
Bible Passage: Matthew 2:1­21
Big Picture Question: Why did the wise men visit Jesus? The wise men came to worship Jesus as King.
Key Passage: Luke 2:10­-11
Unit Christ Connection: The Savior God had promised was born!

The wise men were magi. Their study of the stars led them to Judea to find and worship Jesus, the newborn King. Before they found Jesus, though, the wise men met King Herod. God had promised the Jewish people a new king—one who would save them from their enemies. King Herod was not that king. Imagine how he felt when he heard about a new king in town.

Herod was furious. He gathered his chief priests and scribes to determine where Jesus had been born. Then he lied to the wise men: “When you find Him, report back to me so that I too can go and worship Him.” What deceitfulness! The truth was, Herod did not want to worship Jesus at all; he wanted to kill Him!

The wise men came to worship Jesus as King. Jesus is the King who will rule forever, as God promised to King David.

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