Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Week of January 17, 2016: The Passover

Bible Passage: Exodus 11:1–13:16
Big Picture Question: Why is the Passover important? The Passover was the way God chose to save His people and is a picture of Christ’s sacrifice for sinners.
Key Passage: Exodus 6:7
Unit Christ Connection: God saved His people from physical captivity in Egypt as He would one day send Jesus to save His people from spiritual captivity.

The tenth plague was the most severe and had the greatest impact on the Egyptian people. God told Moses that around midnight, every firstborn male in Egypt would die. No one would be excluded. Even the firstborn of the livestock would die. But God gave specific instructions to the Israelites. They were to slaughter a lamb or goat and put its blood on their doorposts. The blood on the doorpost would be a distinguishing mark. When God saw the blood, He “passed over” the house.

The Israelite people were sinful, and they deserved death just as much as the Egyptians did. But God, by His grace, provided them a way out. By marking their doorposts with the blood of a lamb, they were spared from the judgment and death they deserved. They deserved to die; the lamb was killed instead.

Jesus is “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). His death was the ultimate sacrifice, and those who are under His saving blood will be passed over in the final judgment. God gave the Passover to show us His loving provision for sinful man to be made right with Him.

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