Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Week of November 29, 2015: Joseph Sent to Egypt

Bible Passage: Genesis 37:1­36; 39:1–41:57
Main Point: God used Joseph’s suffering for good.
Key Passage: Genesis 26:24
Big Picture Question: What can stop God’s plan? Nothing can stop God’s perfect plan.

Jacob had 12 sons. They would become the leaders of the tribes of Israel. But Jacob’s favorite son was Joseph. Joseph was the son of Rachel, Jacob’s favorite wife, and Jacob didn’t hide his favoritism. He gave Joseph a gift that his other sons did not get: a beautiful coat of many colors. Of course, this did not endear Joseph to his siblings. Neither did Joseph’s announcement that God had spoken to him in dreams—dreams that revealed that one day everyone in Joseph’s family would bow down to him. Joseph’s brothers planned evil against him, and Joseph ended up in a hole in the ground. Then he was sent to Egypt and was accused of a crime he did not commit.

Did God forget Joseph? No. God was with Joseph, and He had a wonderful plan. God raised up Joseph into a position of power in Egypt. God used Joseph to establish a remnant—a small, surviving group of His people. Centuries later, God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world as part of that family.

God is in control of our lives, and He uses suffering and injustice to accomplish His plans in and through us. We can trust God’s faithfulness. Through all circumstances, God’s will prevails—all for His glory and our good.

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