Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Week of November 22, 2015: Jacob's New Name

Bible Passage: Genesis 32–33
Main Point: God changed Jacob’s name to Israel, the name of God’s covenant people.
Unit Key Passage: Genesis 26:24
Big Picture Question: What can stop God’s plan? Nothing can stop God’s perfect plan.

After stealing his older brother’s blessing, Jacob fled his home to escape Esau’s anger. He spent time with his uncle Laban, got married, and fathered many children. Overall, Jacob prospered, but his time with his uncle Laban did not end well. Laban’s sons accused Jacob of taking their father’s wealth.

God told Jacob to leave, and Jacob did not hesitate. He gathered his family and all of his possessions and headed home to Canaan with Laban in pursuit. But uncertainty awaited Jacob in his homeland. His brother Esau was there. The last time Jacob saw Esau, Esau wanted to kill him.

That night, Jacob anxiously awaited word from Esau, and that is when he encountered the Lord. Did Jacob win the wrestling match? Was he stronger than the Lord? The victory was ironic; Jacob did not win by strength (God proved His power by crippling Jacob with just a touch) but by confessing his dependence on God’s blessing. Jacob had nowhere else to turn. He could not succeed by his own strength. Jacob held onto God and would not let go. God poured out His grace on Jacob. He blessed Jacob and gave him a new name, Israel. From Jacob’s descendants—from the nation of Israel—God would bring into the world His Son, Jesus.

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