Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Week of November 1, 2015: God Tested Abraham

Bible Passage: Genesis 22:1­19
Main Point: Abraham trusted God even when he didn’t understand God’s plan.
Key Passage: Romans 4:3
Big Picture Question: What did God promise? God made a covenant to bless His people.

When Abraham was well over 100 years old, he received another message from God. God instructed Abraham to take his son Isaac, the son of promise, and sacrifice him on a mountain God would tell him about. Abraham had waited so many years for this child! But Abraham obeyed. He got up early the next day and left for his trip.

“Where is the lamb?” Isaac asked. Abraham answered that God Himself would provide. And God did indeed. God provided a ram for the burnt offering in place of Isaac, who was spared. After what we might imagine was quite a worship service, Abraham and Isaac returned home.

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