Thursday, November 19, 2015

Week of November 15, 2015: The Stolen Blessing

Bible Passage: Genesis 25:27­34; 27:1­45
Main Point: Jacob stole Esau’s blessing.
Unit Key Passage: Genesis 26:24
Big Picture Question: What can stop God’s plan? Nothing can stop God’s perfect plan.

Esau sold his birthright to his younger brother, Jacob. The birthright was an important part of the patriarchal culture. Typically, upon the death of his father, the older brother would receive twice as much property and goods as the younger. But Esau gave it up for a warm meal.

Later, Jacob deceived his father to steal his brother’s blessing—another privilege afforded to an oldest son. With his blessing, Isaac made his son master over his brother. Just as God said, the older would serve the younger.

Before Jacob and Esau were even born, God planned to bless Jacob’s family. God kept His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to make their descendants as numerous as the stars. From their family would come the promised One—God’s Son, Jesus.

Jesus is the firstborn over all creation (Col. 1:15), and He deserves all the privileges afforded to Him. But when Jesus hung on the cross, He gave up His blessing for us. Jesus took the punishment we deserve so that the Father would give us the blessing Jesus deserves.

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