Saturday, November 28, 2015

Advent Conspiracy Family Devotionals

Starting this week, pick up an Advent Conspiracy Family Devotional packet from the KidZone check in area!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Week of November 22, 2015: Jacob's New Name

Bible Passage: Genesis 32–33
Main Point: God changed Jacob’s name to Israel, the name of God’s covenant people.
Unit Key Passage: Genesis 26:24
Big Picture Question: What can stop God’s plan? Nothing can stop God’s perfect plan.

After stealing his older brother’s blessing, Jacob fled his home to escape Esau’s anger. He spent time with his uncle Laban, got married, and fathered many children. Overall, Jacob prospered, but his time with his uncle Laban did not end well. Laban’s sons accused Jacob of taking their father’s wealth.

God told Jacob to leave, and Jacob did not hesitate. He gathered his family and all of his possessions and headed home to Canaan with Laban in pursuit. But uncertainty awaited Jacob in his homeland. His brother Esau was there. The last time Jacob saw Esau, Esau wanted to kill him.

That night, Jacob anxiously awaited word from Esau, and that is when he encountered the Lord. Did Jacob win the wrestling match? Was he stronger than the Lord? The victory was ironic; Jacob did not win by strength (God proved His power by crippling Jacob with just a touch) but by confessing his dependence on God’s blessing. Jacob had nowhere else to turn. He could not succeed by his own strength. Jacob held onto God and would not let go. God poured out His grace on Jacob. He blessed Jacob and gave him a new name, Israel. From Jacob’s descendants—from the nation of Israel—God would bring into the world His Son, Jesus.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Week of November 15, 2015: The Stolen Blessing

Bible Passage: Genesis 25:27­34; 27:1­45
Main Point: Jacob stole Esau’s blessing.
Unit Key Passage: Genesis 26:24
Big Picture Question: What can stop God’s plan? Nothing can stop God’s perfect plan.

Esau sold his birthright to his younger brother, Jacob. The birthright was an important part of the patriarchal culture. Typically, upon the death of his father, the older brother would receive twice as much property and goods as the younger. But Esau gave it up for a warm meal.

Later, Jacob deceived his father to steal his brother’s blessing—another privilege afforded to an oldest son. With his blessing, Isaac made his son master over his brother. Just as God said, the older would serve the younger.

Before Jacob and Esau were even born, God planned to bless Jacob’s family. God kept His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to make their descendants as numerous as the stars. From their family would come the promised One—God’s Son, Jesus.

Jesus is the firstborn over all creation (Col. 1:15), and He deserves all the privileges afforded to Him. But when Jesus hung on the cross, He gave up His blessing for us. Jesus took the punishment we deserve so that the Father would give us the blessing Jesus deserves.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Week of November 8, 2015: The Promise Reaffirmed

Bible Passage: Genesis 25:19­26; 26:1­6; 28:10­22
Main Point: God reminded Abraham’s family that He always keeps His promises.
Key Passage: Romans 4:3
Big Picture Question: What did God promise? God made a covenant to bless His people.

In His covenant with Abraham, God promised land, descendants, and a blessing to all the nations of the earth. God reaffirmed the promise to Abraham’s son Isaac and to his grandson Jacob.God had a plan for Abraham and his family all along.

When Isaac’s wife, Rebekah, became pregnant with twins, the babies struggled with each other inside her. God explained their future. The older son (Esau) would serve the younger (Jacob). Their families would separate and become two nations, one stronger than the other.

To escape his brother’s anger, Jacob fled to his uncle’s house. On the way, God spoke to Jacob in a dream. Jacob saw a stairway to heaven, and he saw God there. God repeated the promise to Jacob.

Through the nation of Israel, God would keep His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by sending His Son, Jesus, to be the Savior of the world.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Week of November 1, 2015: God Tested Abraham

Bible Passage: Genesis 22:1­19
Main Point: Abraham trusted God even when he didn’t understand God’s plan.
Key Passage: Romans 4:3
Big Picture Question: What did God promise? God made a covenant to bless His people.

When Abraham was well over 100 years old, he received another message from God. God instructed Abraham to take his son Isaac, the son of promise, and sacrifice him on a mountain God would tell him about. Abraham had waited so many years for this child! But Abraham obeyed. He got up early the next day and left for his trip.

“Where is the lamb?” Isaac asked. Abraham answered that God Himself would provide. And God did indeed. God provided a ram for the burnt offering in place of Isaac, who was spared. After what we might imagine was quite a worship service, Abraham and Isaac returned home.