Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Week of June 12, 2016: Israel Demanded a King

Bible Passage: 1 Samuel 8–10
Big Picture Question: What kind of king did God plan to give Israel? God planned to send a perfect king.
Key Passage: Psalm 51:10
Unit Christ Connection: God provided the first kings to rule His people Israel; Christ, the final King, rules over all people as Savior. Through David’s family, God sent Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

Israel began to seek God again, and Samuel led them to remove their foreign gods and worship God only.

Up until this point, Israel had relied on God to give them judges to lead them. The elders of Israel spoke to Samuel about his sons and demanded a king. All the other nations around them had kings, they pointed out. Samuel knew their request was sinful, and he prayed to God.

Samuel explained to the Israelites what rights a king would have over them; he warned them that when they regretted asking for a king—and they would regret it—God would not help them. The people insisted on having a king, so God told Samuel to appoint

God had chosen Saul to be the king, so Samuel explained to Saul what God had said. Samuel anointed Saul by pouring oil on his head. Samuel presented Saul to Israel.

God knew Israel would want a king, but the kind of king Israel wanted was not the kind of king they needed. They wanted a king like the other nations. The problem was that every human king would fail them. God had a plan to give them Jesus—a perfect King who would reign with justice and righteousness forever.

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