Saturday, April 16, 2016

Week of April 17, 2016: Joshua’s Final Encouragement

Bible Passage: Joshua 23:1–24:28
Main Point: Joshua told the people to worship God.
Key Passage: Joshua 1:9
Big Picture Question: Whom can we trust? We can trust God.

Christ Connection: Joshua talked to God’s people and told them to obey God even after he, Joshua, died. After Jesus died and was raised from the dead, He talked to His friends. Jesus wanted them to tell other people about Him. Now Jesus lives in heaven, and He wants us to tell other people about Him too.

Joshua was “getting on in years”, so he gathered together the people of Israel to give an exhortation. First, Joshua reminded them that God had fought for His people, and He had kept every one of His Joshua wanted the people to remember and to live their lives based on what they knew to be true about God: God can be trusted. He is good, and He is faithful.

In Joshua 23:6, Joshua issued a challenge: “Be very strong and continue obeying all that is written in the book of the law of Moses. Finally, Joshua gave the Israelites a warning. Just as all the good things God promised had been fulfilled, so would all the bad things He promised if the Israelites disobeyed Him.Joshua reminded the leaders of the past—from the birth of Isaac to Israel’s escape from Egypt. Joshua said, “Choose for yourselves today the one you will worship … As for me and my family, we will worship Yahweh”

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