Monday, March 21, 2016

Week of March 20, 2016: The Last Supper

Bible Passage: John 13–17
Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus wash His disciples’ feet? Jesus showed the disciples how to love and serve each other with humility.
Key Passage: Romans 6:9
Unit Christ Connection: God’s plan for redemption is fulfilled through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Christ Connection: At the Passover, Jesus shared with the disciples His last meal before His death and resurrection. Jesus washed the disciples’ feet, something a lowly servant would do. Jesus showed His love even to His enemies when He washed Judas’ feet as well. As sinners, we are all enemies of God. But God proved His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

During the Passover meal on the night He was betrayed, Jesus did something very unusual. Knowing that His death was near, Jesus washed His disciples’ feet. (See John 13:2­11.) Jesus set forth an example of love and humility for His disciples to mirror in their own actions towards each other. (John 13:14-­16)

In the Old Testament, God made a covenant with His people. He gave them commandments to follow so they could live in right relationship with Him. God’s people broke the covenant. They didn’t obey God, and they didn’t love Him. Jesus made a new covenant by dying on the cross. He brought forgiveness and made the way for people to know and love God again.

When believers participate in the Lord’s Supper, they remember the last night of Jesus’ life, when He prepared to take God’s wrath upon His sinless shoulders. Believers also proclaim His death and resurrection until He returns for His church, like He promised. (John 17:24; 1 Cor. 11:26)

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