Bible Passage: Matthew 26:36–28:10; John 18:1–20:18
Main Point: Jesus died on the cross and is alive.
Key Passage: Luke 24:6
Big Picture Question: Who saves us from our sin? Jesus saves us from sin.
God’s people, and all people, have broken the law. We have loved other things more than we love God. That is sin.
Jesus’ purpose for coming to earth was to save us from our sin. (Matt. 1:21) Why did Jesus have to die? Why couldn’t He just say, “You are forgiven”? God is just and requires due payment for sin. To simply forgive sin without requiring a payment would be unjust. According to God’s Word, the payment of sin is death. (Rom. 6:23) But not only is God just, He is also loving. That is why Jesus was willing to die in our place.
Jesus came to die so that we would be forgiven. Jesus came to die to bring us to God.
Jesus died on the cross to satisfy the wrath of God toward sin. Jesus’ resurrection proved that God was satisfied with Jesus’ sacrifice, and forgiveness and life are found in Him. (See 1 Cor. 15:17). Jesus conquered death, just as He said He would.
Jesus’ resurrection gives us hope for our resurrection. (Rom. 6:5) And Romans 8:11 says that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead will raise our bodies to life.
Everything that was written about Jesus in the Old Testament and spoken by the prophets was coming true.