Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Week of February 7, 2016: The Tabernacle Was Built

Bible Passage: Exodus 35:4–40:38
Big Picture Question: What does the tabernacle show about God? God wants to dwell with His people and be worshiped by them.
Key Passage: Exodus 20:1­17
Unit Christ Connection: God instructed His covenant people how to live holy lives in an unholy world. This sustained their relationship with God until the perfect plan was revealed through Jesus Christ.

The word tabernacle means “dwelling place.” The tabernacle was a portable tent where God met with His people. God had a great purpose for the tabernacle.

God’s directions for building the tabernacle were very detailed. God was not trying to burden the people; He was trying to show them His holiness and absolute authority. God appointed Bezalel and Oholiab to oversee the building of the tabernacle, giving them wisdom, understanding, and craftsmanship. Every skilled person “whose heart moved him” eagerly worked on the tabernacle of the Lord.

God gave the Israelites the tabernacle as a visual picture of His dwelling with them. The tabernacle was a temporary place for God’s glory to dwell until the coming of Christ.  Every part of the tabernacle was designed to illustrate God’s relationship with His people.

Christ is the New Testament fulfillment of the Old Testament tabernacle. John 1:14 says that “the Word became flesh and took up residence among us.” Jesus made His dwelling with men. He tabernacled with them.

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