Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Week of September 27, 2015: Sin Entered the World

Bible Passage: Genesis 3:1­24
Main Point: Adam and Eve’s sin separated them from God.
Key Passage: 1 Corinthians 8:6
Big Picture Question: What is sin? Sin is breaking God’s law, and sin separates people from God.

Before the fall, Adam and Eve enjoyed a loving, two ­way relationship with God. The garden was a true paradise. God filled the garden with good gifts so that they might enjoy them and give thanks to God; this glorifies God. All of that changed when Adam and Eve gave in to the serpent’s temptation. Eve believed the lie that leads many of us to sin: Maybe God is holding out on me.

God did not leave Adam and Eve without hope. He promised that one of Eve’s descendants would strike the head of the serpent. Each generation after Eve hoped that one of their children would be the Promised One—the One who would crush the head of the snake and put an end to the curse over creation. Sin is a big problem that needs a big solution. At just the right time, God sent His Son into the world.

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